Customer: Napp

Napp is a successful, rapidly expanding UK-based company that manufactures and markets medicines to the NHS and across the world.

As an expanding healthcare business with a global market, Napp was keen to take control of its contract management. The company required an electronic system embedded across operations, so that it could negotiate relationships more efficiently, manage risks and take advantage of clear, regular reporting.

We deployed our Contract Insight software to help Napp create a smooth, trouble-free administrative process, and free up time to focus on the dynamic, innovative elements of its growing healthcare business.

Contract Insight has many benefits for a company like Napp. It’s a feature-rich, secure, scalable, flexible system that can manage any amount of contracts and vendors while allowing users access to all the data required at a glance. It will also support any type of contract, agreement, patent or licence, a requirement that’s particularly acute in the healthcare industry. It can help companies meet contract compliance, audits and governance needs efficiently and without undue stresses.

The system conveniently allows users to manage purchases and contracts from a desk, or on the go, so it’s the ideal tool for a mobile workforce. It’s fast to set up and designed to be user-friendly at every level, making it simple to track contract workflow processes and approval statuses. Contract Insight features multi-level security to protect sensitive information and allows users to secure contracts individually or by department/division.

When we are helping any client to install Contract Insight, we provide full support, including bulk and large volume training if required, plus online e-video and learning tutorials. Contract Insight is a state-of-the-art technology platform which will serve any organisation well in the years ahead, and is built using Microsoft’s latest C-Sharp web programming language for optimum screen loads, stability and security. It can be rapidly deployed through our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) option, or installed on your servers (behind the firewall).

When Four Business Solutions installed Contract Insight for Napp, it was such a success that it’s now being rolled out globally across the organisation.

  • “Four helped us deploy a contract management solution that has improved the processing, management and visibility of all our contract work. As a pharmaceutical business, we have to be able to properly manage risk, which this gives us. Four have been a real pleasure to work with and we now intend to use them across the rest of our group.”
    Taposh Bhattacharya, Project Manager
