Four Weekly Tech Newsletter – Jan 17
Lead articles from January 17

Humans won't be able to control AI, scientists warn
The most recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have raised several ethical dilemmas. Perhaps one of the most important is whether humanity will be able to control autonomous machines.It is becoming more and more common to see robots in charge of housework or self-driving vehicles, which are powered by AI.

Impact of AI vs humans and what the future holds
Since AI has become a popular technology in the current industry, Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence has led to debates. AI has come a long way from being a part of science fiction to reality. Nowadays we are equipped with many intelligent devices, including intelligent virtual aides, chatbots and surgical robots.

Artificial intelligence and precision farming
The human race has come a long way in our ability to produce food at scale. Historian and author Yuval Noah Harari refers to it in his book Sapiens as “an agricultural revolution,” using wheat as an example. Ten thousand years ago, wheat was a wild grass that grew in a relatively small region in the Middle East. Today, wheat can be considered one of the most successful plants in history, according to the evolutionary criteria of survival and reproduction.

How we will use AI in our homes
We have all heard for years how artificial intelligence will change the world forever. It will change how we work, how we play, how we interact with one another and, well, how we do almost everything. But when? And where? The conversation surrounding artificial intelligence has been around for so long that it almost feels like the excitement about its arrival has come and gone. Many have admitted reaching the conclusion that perhaps artificial intelligence is something that will remain a part of science fiction, something that, ultimately, works better in theory than in practice.

Introducing the human AI centred canvas
The potential of artificial intelligence for growing businesses is irrevocable. With cloud, cyber-security and big data, AI is considered as a top priority for technology investments. Converging more and more with other technologies in place, AI is driving the next generation of businesses by being at the forefront of almost every digital transformation. 9 out of 10 global executives describe AI as an important tool in solving their organizations’ strategic challenges.

The changing role of IT and security
Whilst challenging, the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns have led to businesses re-evaluating their Cybersecurity given the potential security threats that have arisen from remote working. One of the lessons we have learned from the current situation is that, even during a crisis, criminal activity continues and, often, increases. The current crisis, while devastating to many businesses and individuals alike, presents an enhanced opportunity for those with malicious intentions – and data indicates that they are taking increasing advantage of any identified weaknesses.