tolga ulkan 9k36QqhA0cU unsplash

How do I build my contract lifecycle management system?

Companies of all sizes within both the public and private sectors often find themselves manoeuvering multiple contracts at once – with said contracts progressing at various stages of the contract lifecycle. 
Posted  on April 14, 2021
charles deluvio AT5vuPoi8vc unsplash

Six critical contract management tools for 2021

2021 has arrived, and with it comes new innovations to your contract management software processes.  Keeping this in mind, we have outlined six critical contract management tools that your organisation should equip
Posted  on April 9, 2021
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COVID vaccine rollout highlights importance of supply chain management

As we begin to successfully mitigate the effects of the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, it would be nearly impossible to overstate how vital it has been for manufacturers to consistently improve and
Posted  on April 1, 2021
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How contract management and contract lifecycle management differ

The terms “contract management” and “contract lifecycle management” may at first seem interchangeable.  However, there are clear differences between the two.  Organisations looking for opportunities to streamline contract processes, increase
Posted  on March 30, 2021
james sullivan ESZRBtkQ f8 unsplash

How to maximise construction contract management

Managing various construction contracts can be a challenging process to coordinate and streamline – especially when dealing with multiple stakeholders and ranging construction project timelines.  Relying on disparate contract management methods –
Posted  on March 23, 2021
bernard hermant nHRXNv2qeDE unsplash

8 hot tips for streamlined and centralised purchase management in 2021

Robust purchase management software can decrease administrative costs, increase accountability, enhance communication and asset management, and help your organisation operate efficiently and effectively.  Trusted purchase order software can assist you in making better purchasing
Posted  on March 16, 2021
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Pharma and life sciences excellence with accelerated contracting

Pharmaceutical and life sciences organisations have a lot on their plate.  Unfortunately, many organisations lack an efficient process to handle a myriad of contracts, clinical trials, promotions, supplies/goods, regulations and
Posted  on March 5, 2021
mihaly koles I2CH1jlTMR4 unsplash 1

Power up contract data management with contract management software

Robust contract data management, contract analytics and contract data security provide the necessary insights and protection for organisations to cut contract lifecycle times with enhanced control, governance, security and visibility.  You can
Posted  on February 25, 2021
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3 real estate contract management software KPIs for success

Managing various real estate contracts can be challenging, especially when relying on disparate methods such as wet-signatures, paper contracts, shared drives, filing cabinets, and paper-based negotiations.  Whether you’re a real
Posted  on February 17, 2021
cytonn photography GJao3ZTX9gU unsplash 2

Contract Insight 17.8.0

Visionary tools for building CLM success Contract Insight® Enterprise Version 17.8.0 has arrived, delivering visionary features and enhancements to supercharge your contract management software suite. In order to help your organisation successfully
Posted  on February 12, 2021
thisisengineering raeng hoivM01c vg unsplash

6 tips to improve your e-procurement and acquisition process

Procurement managers and procurement teams have their work cut out for them without the right procurement tools.  Ineffectual procurement and acquisition strategies can lead to unnecessary risk, dark purchasing, harmful data
Posted  on February 9, 2021
juan manuel nunez 87ZTOG guTk unsplash

Contract Insight fast: a contract management crash course

Read this blog for a rapid, high-level, general overview of Contract Insight®, its purpose and some of its key features. Let’s get started with your Contract Insight crash course.  Ready. Set. GO! Why use
Posted  on February 1, 2021