Four tips for an effective safety meeting

Employee orientations always have a safety focus to reduce the incidence and risk of accidents in the workplace. These meetings are important because they can have a profound impact on the level of safety in the workplace, especially in occupations where daily hazards are a part of the job. Here are four tips on how to help employees make the most out of each safety meeting.

Prepare ahead of time

Preparation is key to making the most out of every safety orientation. Preparation is the only way to cover the relevant topics in the time you’re given. Preparation ensures that you can present all the information needed as well have time to generate feedback from your employees. Preparation also allows you to come up with a personalised presentation relevant to the audience.

Keep topics relevant

It’s important to stick to the topic so that the discussion remains relevant and interesting. Orientation safety meetings, for example, can be used to cover the general safety considerations in the workplace for incoming employees. Safety meetings covering specific safety concerns or procedures can be done if the need arises, for example following an accident or to discuss new policy changes.

Use different media to get the message across

Safety meetings don’t need to be drab and boring affairs dominated by stats and pie charts. You can use videos and photos to get the point across and to make the session interesting for your audience.

Encourage discussion after the presentation

After the presentation, you can encourage further participation while evaluating you’re your audience has learned by allowing them to ask questions, share stories, and even make suggestions. Discussion also helps maintain the audience’s attention while allowing them to take a direct role in how safety is maintained in the workplace.

Safety meetings are not the most exciting part of any orientation but they are a necessary evil. Ample preparation can help you make these meetings more productive, engaging, and effective to ensure that your employees remain safe in the workplace.

Preparation is key. Fail to prepare and you’ll prepare to fail. At Four Business Solutions, we take our own advice! To find out more about our services, simply give us a call on 0800 6250 025.